You might be asking: is Coaching for me?

January 5, 2021

Coaching is a powerful way to EMPOWER people. It is suited to all ages and virtually to all people. The basic principle behind it is to CHALLENGE the coachee at achieving more. PhD coaching is a way to turn researchers into OUTSTANDING scientists.

And yes, coaching can also be applied to PhD. Your PhD coach will show you how, from the very first session. You will see from very early on how your PhD coach will make you feel much more confident to get your deserved PhD degree.

This aim of achieving more requires to critically look at what one does and start ELIMINATING all of those activities that are a drain of Time, Energies, and Money. Look at this other video The TRIAD of Time Energy and Money. You will find out more about this important triad that, unfortunately, still remains a mirage for most of us. And you will discover what benefit it brings to be ruthless with your time when you are working.

It is far simpler to start cutting the waste than to struggle to get more. A bit like earning or saving money. It is far simpler to save what you already got.

Before you embark with a coach on a journey, you should understand what the journey is. While you learn this, you should always keep in mind one single sentence: is coaching for me? Unless you understand this, then you better not embark on it. Have a look at the tons of material available online. Here are few sites for you: Institute of Coaching and International Coaching Federation.

Sometimes Coaching can get together with some Mentoring. If this is the case, then Coaching alone might not be the right choice for you, at present. You can start searching for help here European Mentoring and Coaching Council. Many professionals (like me) can do both Coaching and Mentoring. However, there is quite a difference between the two. After starting with some mentoring, when you are ready for the LEAP forward, then you can ask for coaching only.

There are other factors as well that you should be taking into account. Each coach is ONLY best for specific kinds of coachees. Thus, you SHOULD look at this other of our video and you will DEFINITELY find out about how I work Is COACHING what you really need?

The right PhD coaching specialist will help you sail through daunting tasks such as writing a paper and the final dissertation writing.

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