Potential issues and how to solve them

November 1, 2021

The excitement of the PhD project can take a bad turn. In this video, we will understand how to face potential issues and how to solve them. And it is about how to sail through the unavoidable fog and go straight to the end of the road. So, knowing some tricks and having the right attitude can save you a lot of time and energy.

In this month video we want to re-set our mindset not to avoid issues; rather sail through them by having a more flexible approach to both work and life in general. Merchants do not necessarily like their clients. But they deal with their clients in a way that does not show any of their feelings. The PhD should be a bit like this too. So, facing straight at the start potential issues and learning how to solve them is pivotal in a high profile project like a PhD.

We do not have to necessarily like our supervisor, our university or even the city we live in. But, we are here for completing a job and get the deserved PhD degree. Problems with people/bosses will be there even after the end of the PhD project. In fact, see this article from Forbes (How To Approach The Boss When Conflict Arises At Work). And this other from Harvard Business Review The Right Way to Bring a Problem to Your Boss suggests us some approaches how to solve issues at work

The project uniqueness stands also from the fact that for the very first time we face a long and, at times, tortuous path. This path can temper us and make us leap forward like nothing else before. Because making the most out of this amazing project is mostly down to us. We should not squander this unique opportunity.

Why you do not give a look a the sister site Coaching the PhD YouTube Channel where you can find much more info and, if necessary, sign up to one of the packages we offer to help PhD students excel.

This video is part of a series on writing PhD thesis. You should look at others. Here they are in reverse order:

How to structure your PhD thesis

Practical TIPs on PhD mindset

How to write a PhD thesis?

Stay tuned for our next video at the beginning of next month. Why you do not consider subscribing? ​