Practical TIPs on PhD mindset

September 1, 2021

The practical TIPs on PhD mindset of our video have the potential to change forever how you do things. Writing your PhD thesis might feel like a never-ending bad dream. It should not be like that. Have a look at our new video and you will change this limited perspective forever. This video has several suggestions on how to capitalise from a better mindset during the last months of your PhD. These are critical months dedicated to the arduous task of writing your PhD thesis.

There are a number of steps you can take in order to reduce both the time it takes for you to write your PhD thesis. The amount of energies you will spend throughout is critical to your final success. In this month video we are going to explore some of the strategies that helped both me and my best students.

Remember that writing a thesis is like running a marathon. You are there for the long shot and not for a sprint. Therefore, managing your energies (physical and mental), keeping a good and upbeat spirit, and managing your most precious resource (i.e., time) is something that you WANT to master.

One of the important aspects to take into consideration during the stressful period of writing up the thesis is the change in eating habits. Scientific articles like this The influence of EATING HABITS on academic performance can help you consider making changes to your life?

Another aspect is sleeping habits. Maybe sleeping habits are even more important than what you eat. Just have a read at this other article Sleeping habits and academic performance.

This of the PhD project is the perfect time for you to become the master of yourself. A number of PhD graduates go on to become entrepreneurs, business leaders, tech experts. Their PhD has been the ‘shaper’ of who they have become. You will be influenced by your PhD as nothing else until now. The ‘footprints’ of the PhD program will be seen in you for the rest of your life. The practical TIPS on the PhD mindset are quite simple and can have a profound effect on PhD students about to graduate.

The thesis is the final step of your PhD program but NOT the end of the road on the PhD journey. You will shape your career and that of many others around you. You will influence the minds of so many people you will encounter. The PhD thesis is one of the legacies you will leave behind. Along with your published scientific papers, your PhD thesis will leave an indelible footprint for generations to come.

Because of all of this, it is paramount that you watch this video and learn about some of the techniques I have implemented. These changes live with me to these days.

We suggest you do not miss a previously released video of this series on Writing the PhD Thesis. This is our Second of Four episode series on Writing PhD Thesis. Here is the previous video How to write a PhD thesis? Enjoy the view and hope to see you soon at the beginning of next month.